Students Grades 4-12
Poetry Contest
The National Baseball Poetry Festival is a celebration of poetry whose themes focus on Baseball and/or Softball! The Festival takes place at Polar Park, May 2-4. All grades 4-12 students and Little Leaguers are invited to submit poems with a baseball and/or softball theme, for example: opening day, ballpark food, first pitch, athletic heroes, uniforms, Polar Park and other ball parks, Little League, dugout chatter, the season of the game, etc.
All Adult Poets Everywhere
Call for Submissions
The National Baseball Poetry Festival invites submissions of poems that deal with any aspect of the gamesmanship, nature, and atmosphere of Baseball and/or Softball, for example: opening day, ballpark food, childhood memories, first pitch, athletic heroes, uniforms, ball parks, Little League, body English, dugout chatter, the season of the game, etc.
No restriction on form. Poets may submit one (1) poem for consideration, which should fit on a single page. Previously published work is acceptable. The thematic views of baseball/softball and the game will be given wide interpretation by the judge(s).